One of the features we’re hoping to launch on the Ethics Centre website will look at art, focusing on a piece of art and that particular artist. So what does art have to do with ethics? Funny you should ask. At the Ethics Centre we’ve always strived to engage with culture, in all its forms. And three years ago, that led us to host an art exhibit entitled “A Dance Beyond.” Here’s what we had to say then:
“Aesthetics and ethics share overlapping passions and convictions. The formal language of ethics benefits profoundly from the expressive and evocative forms of the arts. The creative freedom of artists at times receives impulses, subject matter and goals from the world of ethics.
“Themes of hope, light, dancing and celebration have emerged from reflections on injustice and are robustly conceived as vision and potential wholeness overcoming troubles or received as light and hope beyond darkness. With this exhibit, we wish to open vistas of hope with sightlines moving past darkness.”
That exhibit was a highlight in our local engagement with public life and culture. We’ve since moved office space and would have a hard time replicating such an event, but there’s no reason why we can’t share our passion for artistic expression with you via the web.
To whet your interest, here’s a sample of what we’re hoping to share. This piece above, AYOGAME, was exhibited at “A Dance Beyond” and is painted by our friend Yisa Akinbolaji . Yisa was born in Nigeria and now calls Winnipeg home. You can find out more about Yisa by
clicking here.